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Originally conceived as an invention to improve the success rate of conifers, the Rootrainer system is now in widespread use in many markets. Rootrainers will help you to grow stronger, more robust plants that will arrive in peak condition. They are especially good for plants that are sensitive to disturbance and require deep root runs.
The Rootrainer system is made up of deep seed trays, divided into separate segments known as ‘books’. They are unique because they open up like a book, for easy inspection and easy transplanting. Over 60 million Rootrainer cells are in use with professional growers throughout the World and the resulting plants are now specified in many landscape and forestry contracts. Tildenet offers support to both large and small growers, advising on the use of Rootrainers for a wide variety of plants, from strawberries to potatoes, vines to date palms, conifers and Quercus.
The enormous success of Rootrainers since their introduction in the UK and Europe and their widespread adoption for the growing of trees and shrubs as well as flowers, fruit and vegetables, is due to the many advantages they possess for nurseryman, foresters and horticulturists alike.
Rootrainers are reusable and are proven to have a long life — SIX and more years are common in many nurseries. Also, books may be replaced individually when damaged without the need to discard the whole tray.
Rootrainers use less compost than standard pots offering a substantial cost saving.
Air pruning means that plants grown in Rootrainers never become pot bound. This means that plants will arrive in excellent condition throughout the season. Also, unsold plants can be grown on to a larger size without time consuming repotting.
Rootrainer plants are easily extracted from the ‘open books’ without ‘shock’ (even when frozen), for grading, packing and transplanting. The rectangular root plugs pack tightly into uniform bundles in plastic film for safe and economic delivery. Alternatively, high value plants can be delivered in the Rootrainers books, which provide optimum protection, using the custom designed Rootrainers Mail Packs.